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Alexander Calder was one of the most innovative and original American artists of the twentieth century.
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Alexander Calder was one of the most innovative and original American artists of the twentieth century. In 1926, Calder arrived in Paris and devoted himself to a project called the Circus that occupied him for over five years. This contains characters and animals made out of wire, scraps of cloth, wood, cork, labels, bits of scrap metal and pieces of rubber. Calder transported his little theater in suitcases and performed it for his friends. During his performances, Calder invented ways to simulate the flight of birds: "These are little bits of white paper, with a hole and slight weight on...
of wire portraits. During World War II, Calder reached his artistic maturity, creating works that made him famous throughout the world.

Alexander Calder is one of my favorite artists because his work stands out from others. He has a unique style that catches the eye of the viewer. Out of all the artists that I have studied, Calder is the one that catches my attention. Calder is today known as the father of the American invention--the mobile. He also is credited with the invention of the stabile. He is not only an artist, but also a sculptor and inventor.

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