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Bruce Lee
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Bruce Lee, being the best martial artist in the world was the result for what he did to get there, yet his death was widely misunderstood. Bruce Lee was born in the year of the dragon in San Francisco November 27 1940. Throughout life, the reputation he gained was not just by routine training; rather, he took his own form of workout to a whole new level. As good things don't last forever, Bruce Lee, unfortunately, suffered a sudden death on July 20, 1973. As his misinterpreted death spread worldwide only the true story was seldom heard. Essentially, Bruce Lee's...
night Bruce Lee took "Equagesic"- a type of super aspirin, given to him by a friend and soon laid down for a nap. Later that night friends tried to wake him up but couldn't.

In conclusion, Bruce Lee was best known as the best martial artist who has ever lived. What made him famous was his ability to stay in shape by always sharpening his skills. As for his mysterious sudden death, the true story about it may never be fully understood but, for the most part, it will always be in clear view to anyone who seeks it.

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