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Advertising is used to promote goods, services, images, and anything else that advertisers want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media. At times we may view it positively, at other times we may just skip or ignore it. In order to attract audience, advertisers use various techniques on their advertisement to make people aware of the firm"s products, services or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their products. An excellent advertisement will create a deep impression on its...
text below the picture says if we blink our eyes and our kid will be grow-up soon. It implies if we are being the parents of our kid, we have a responsibility to plan the futures for our kid. We also need a financial planning right now to support the necessary expense for our kid in the future. This ad reminds us about an established firm"s services, characteristics, and benefits are available through financial services provide by Bank of America. We can plan early and make a decision now then we will take a great advantage of our family.

text below the picture says if we blink our eyes and our kid will be grow-up soon. It implies if we are being the parents of our kid, we have a responsibility to plan the futures for our kid. We also need a financial planning right now to support the necessary expense for our kid in the future. This ad reminds us about an established firm"s services, characteristics, and benefits are available through financial services provide by Bank of America. We can plan early and make a decision now then we will take a great advantage of our family.
The evolution of the mass media is very interesting subject of study that presents variations according to different circumstances. One of these is the place where this evolution takes place. Because media as institutions are part of society, are influenced from any particular characteristic that each society has. In the...
Words: 1391
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HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Ford Motor Company was founded on June 16, 1903 by a group of twelve investors and $28,000 cash. The strongest force in the group was Henry Ford, who made it his personal duty to see that every American could afford a car. He made this possible by perfecting...
Words: 1151
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The largest money-making industry in the United States today is advertising. During events such as the Super Bowl, companies pay large sums of money in return for thirty seconds of air time. Advertising is the act of promoting a product by informing the public of the products worth. Whether it...
Words: 833
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We ask ourselves every time we see heavy traffic, is there no variance anymore amongst car models? In the old days, as a matter of fact only five ore ten years ago every single car brand seemed to have it"s own personality, today they look more like a cluster of...
Words: 484
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