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Chromium was discovered by Louis ÔÇ£ Nicholas Vauquelin in France, 1797 and prepared the metal itself the following year.
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Chromium was discovered by Louis ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Nicholas Vauquelin in France, 1797 and prepared the metal itself the following year. The name Chromium originated from the Greek word "chroma" meaning "color", named for the many colored compounds known for Chromium. Chromium is a steel-gray metal used to produce stainless steel and helps with corrosion. Chromium is a naturally occurring element found in rocks, animals, plants, soil, and in volcanic dust and gases. It is present in several forms such as: chromium0, chromiumIII, and chromiumVI, which are the most common. These forms have no odor or taste. ChromiumIII occurs naturally while chromiumVI...
4 and group 6. Various colored gemstones ruby, emerald, serpentine owe their color to chromium. Chromium trioxide is used in chrome plating and as a colorant for ceramics. Chromium oxide, lead chromate, and other chromium compounds are used as pigments. Chromium dioxide, strongly magnetic, is used in recording tapes.

All in all, chromium can be toxic, a nutrient, or a substance in which to help produce other man ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ made materials. Chromium is in everyone's bodies because it naturally occurs in our food. Birth defects though, have been discovered due to the exposion of chromiumVI for animals and humans.

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