Experiment: Determining pH of identical strong and weak solutions Date: 31/10/03 Aim: Plan and perform a first-hand investigation to measure the pH of identical concentrations of strong and weak acids.
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Experiment: Determining pH of identical strong and weak solutions Date: 31/10/03 Aim: Plan and perform a first-hand investigation to measure the pH of identical concentrations of strong and weak acids. Equipment: ?é?À Deionised water H2O ?é?À Tartaric Acid C4H6O6 ?é?À Citric Acid C6H8O7 ?é?À Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 ?é?À Acetic Acid CH3COOH ?é?À Hydrochloric Acid HCl ?é?À Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl ?é?À Tap Water H2O ?é?À Nitric Acid HNO3 ?é?À Probe ?é?À Ferric chloride FeCl3 ?é?À Wash bottle ?é?À Sodium Chloride in tap water NaCl ?é?À Beakers ?é?À Sodium Chloride in deionised water NaCl ?é?À Data logger Method: 1 Make sure there...
to be washed thoroughly after each substance was tested or else some residue might be left behind altering the pH of the next substance. Also it was necessary to keep the electrical items used in the experiment away from the solutions so nothing is spilt onto the electrical items.
to be washed thoroughly after each substance was tested or else some residue might be left behind altering the pH of the next substance. Also it was necessary to keep the electrical items used in the experiment away from the solutions so nothing is spilt onto the electrical items.
Risk Assessment: Care must be taken when handling the substances, as some can be harmful. Especially those substances with a low pH level, because if spilt on the skin, irritation may occur or burning.
Conclusion: The pH of identical strong and weak substances was determined by performing a first-hand investigation.
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