Atomic Number: 8 Atomic Radius: 66 pm Atomic Symbol: O Melting Point: -218.79 ?é??C Atomic Weight: 15.9994 Boiling Point: -182.95 ?é??C Electron Configuration: [He]2s22p4 Oxidation States: -2 History Gr. oxys: acid, and genes: forming For many centuries, workers occasionally realized air was composed of more than one component. The behavior of oxygen and nitrogen as components of air led to the advancement of the phlogiston theory of combustion, which captured the minds of chemists for a century. Oxygen was prepared by several workers, including Bayen and Borch, but they did not know how to collect it, did not study its...
oxygen consumption in the U.S. is estimated at 20 million short tons per year and the demand is expected to increase substantially.
oxygen consumption in the U.S. is estimated at 20 million short tons per year and the demand is expected to increase substantially.
Oxygen enrichment of steel blast furnaces accounts for the greatest use of the gas. Large quantities are also used in making synthesis gas for ammonia and methanol, ethylene oxide, and for oxy-acetylene welding.
Air separation plants produce about 99% of the gas, while electrolysis plants produce about 1%.
Costs The gas costs 5 cents / ft3 in small quantities, and about $15/ton in large quantities.
Title Picture: Oxygen is the main illuminating substance in the Aurora Borealis.
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