I am presented with the problem of deriving a method to find out what products are formed in the thermal decomposition of copper carbonate CuCO3.
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I am presented with the problem of deriving a method to find out what products are formed in the thermal decomposition of copper carbonate CuCO3. The two possible equations for this reaction are: 1 2CuCO3s Cu2Os + 2CO2g + 1/2O2g 2 CuCO3s CuOs + CO2g I will use the volume of gas produced to check which equation is right this is explained further on. Testing the gases limewater or burning splint released may seem less cumbersome however there is a possibility of the gas produced being a mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen hence testing...
The boiling tube is heated over the wire mesh because of safety reasons, for example to prevent the tube from possible breakage under the heat. Also precaution must be taken when working around the bunsen flame.

The boiling tube is heated over the wire mesh because of safety reasons, for example to prevent the tube from possible breakage under the heat. Also precaution must be taken when working around the bunsen flame.
Additionally to this, if any water is spilt when setting up the inverted measuring cylinder or at any other time, then it must be wiped and dried instantly in order to prevent any accidents or injuries for example slipping.
Goggles must be worn at all times during the practical and long hair must be tied back to prevent any accidents.
Experiment: Determining pH of identical strong and weak solutions Date: 31/10/03 Aim: Plan and perform a first-hand investigation to measure the pH of identical concentrations of strong and weak acids. Equipment: ?é?À Deionised water H2O ?é?À Tartaric Acid C4H6O6 ?é?À Citric Acid C6H8O7 ?é?À Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 ?é?À Acetic Acid...
Words: 810
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Chemical reactions are the heart of chemistry. People have always known that they exist. The Ancient Greeks were the firsts to speculate on the composition of matter. They thought that it was possible that individual particles made up matter. Later, in the Seventeenth Century, a German chemist named Georg Ernst...
Words: 1923
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Niels Bohr"s model of the hydrogen atom, was the primary reason for the understanding of energy levels.Bohr was able to explain the bright line spectrum of hydrogen. Sparked by the recent discovery of the diffraction patterns, scientists believed electrons could be described as waves. Bohr hypothesized that energy is being...
Words: 367
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Determination of the relative atomic mass of Lithium Implementing For all my results I have decided to use three significant figures. This is because the apparatus I was told to use for the experiment gave me results to three significant figures. There was, therefor, no point in calculate...
Words: 1217
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