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William Shakespeare once said, For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
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William Shakespeare once said, "For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night." Deception plays a big part in the play Macbeth. The play is about a king who is murdered by one of his most trusted men trying to gain power. During the play Shakespeare heightens the mood by using various accounts of imagery. The blood and night imagery that Shakespeare uses adds to the evil, darkness and deception surrounding the play. Night has a role of great importance during the play. Lady Macbeth beckons, "Come, thick night,...
uses this blood imagery to enhance the complete transformation of Macbeth. He begins as a noble, just and brave person, to becoming evil, ambitious, and treacherous during Duncan's murder, to his final feelings of remorse for his crime and finally, to the realization that he will be punished for his sins.

Words can have a very powerful influence on the effectiveness of a play. Not necessarily the words used but how they are used. Shakespeare takes two words, night and blood, and uses them to turn Macbeth into the play it is, full of deception, greed, and murderous deeds.

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