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Brave New World and The Giver: Similar yet Different
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When one examines the similarities between Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and The Giver by Lois Lowry, they may be baffled. They may think that Lowry just did a run off of Huxley"s highly successful masterpiece. The similarities are extraordinary, but so are their differences. Many aspects of these novels are almost identical while others are completely foreign to each other. Both of these novels feature structure societies, but the societies are not the same. In Brave New World, there are no families or definite partners, but neither society believes in love or true family. The Giver has no...
past, the other simply erases it from memory and it is never spoken of. Neither society believes in love or family, but there are subtle differences in their beliefs. While The Giver has no definite caste system, they have certain procedures for levels of society. John and Jonas are similar characters who are confronted with inner turmoil and find their own ways out. Brave New World and The Giver are wonderful works of art that are extremely close in storylines. Whether one believes that they are similar or different, it must be said that the resemblances are almost scary.
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