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See I Told You So
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It is not very often that a person has his own national television show, radio show, and two books that have been on the "New York Times Best Seller List." Rush Limbaugh happens to be one of these unique people, his radio show is popular, his television show has the largest audience for a program of its type and his new book is one of the best of its kind. Limbaugh always backed up his comments with facts or statistics. While the book was informative and factual, it was also very humorous. See, I Told You So was definitely a...
prehistoric man merely got a sunburn, how are we going to destroy the entire ozone with our air conditioners and under arm deodorants and cause everybody to get cancer...." p.178

I thought this book was very intresting. I attribute this sucesss to the fact that rarly has there been a radio/TV commentator who consistently makes sense on so many subjects: taxess, environmentalism, animal rights, crime, education, the inner cities, extreme feminism, government regulation and Congress. See, I Told You So is a serious and important book, but Rush Limbaugh, whatever your opinion of his politics, is an marvelous entertainer.

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