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The Making of the Latin King
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The book the making of the Latin king written by Reymundo Sanchez was based on a true story. Sanchez wrote about his experiences in life. He was born in Puerto Rico and came to Chicago when he was a young boy. Sanchez also had a lot of family issues, and most of his family neglected him. His mother married a lot of men, and most of his stepfathers abused him. He enjoyed going to school because his father would never let him go out of the house and school was the only freedom he had. His family all moved to...
time, and once you join one your stuck there forever. I think he did get his point across, and hopefully people wont make the mistakes he did. Also, he was a sex maniac and would always have it. He knew what he did to women was wrong, and he wants his readers to know that. I would definitely recommend this book for teens that like doing drugs, or are in gangs. I think this teaches a lot and it makes you realize how the world is out there. I enjoyed this book, and I know other readers will too.
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