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The Rocking-Horse Winner
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Many essential steps must be implemented when taking a written story and turning it into a real life motion picture. D.H Lawrence, author of the short story "The Rocking-Horse Winner" depicts a common demon we all face; greed, society's need for more possessions and money often drives people to do drastic things. This is true in relation to a young boy named Paul who is growing up large unfriendly lavish house, with a mother and father who are obsessed with money and materialistic things. This results in them not caring much about anything else, not even their son. In the...
effect of the movie.

The fairy tale opening, plot and the characterization are all improved upon greatly. The fairy tale opening was not used to its full extent so that the story would seem more realistic, the plot was also enhanced in some areas and lessened in some other areas to add to a stronger story line as the characterization of many characters was enhanced to suit the plot of the story. Some do not take the essential steps that ensure a good job, in this case all the essential steps were taken and a superior job was done.

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