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In his "American Buffalo," Mamet is quite critical to the immoralities of the American society, especially those which are caused by business deviation.
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In his "American Buffalo," Mamet is quite critical to the immoralities of the American society, especially those which are caused by business deviation. Such is obviously reflected in the themes, where the theme of business is the central theme of the play. Business in America is still controlled by the myth of the "American Dream." Thus, the American citizen is shown to be badly affected by the concept of "strive and succeed," and a victim of the capitalist materialistic world of business in America, which is mainly built on exploitation and opportunism. The characters of the play, Don, Teach and...
know this." Thus, the world of business in America is like a jungle. The only law that governs that jungle is "survival for the fittest". Business simply sucks the blood of the people in America but they usually come to that fact very late. However, when they realize the truth about that world, desperation, bitterness and insecurity become the following predators that feed on what is left of them. Teach"s following words are a great proof of that: The Whole Entire World. There Is No Law. There Is No Right And Wrong. There Is No Friendship. Every Fucking Thing.
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