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Snap!Snap!Snap! Your privacy has just been invaded by someone who has taken a photo of you in the dressing room, with their new camera mobile phone! Is this what the latest technology intended to provide for us?
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Snap!Snap!Snap! Your privacy has just been invaded by someone who has taken a photo of you in the dressing room, with their new camera mobile phone! Is this what the latest technology intended to provide for us? I don't think so, and this is why I think mobile phones can be a really distracting, and in this case, an offensive tool, despite being a powerful form of telecommunication. These always, new-up-and-coming devices can cause financial hardships, by people changing life style habits just to accommodate the purchase of them. Most people are aware of this, however their immutable minds doesn't...
Who suggested that we need them in order for our lives to be complete? Is it so imperative to own such a mechanism? No?óÔé¼?ªI didn't think a "mobile-fanatic" would have the ability to answer these questions!

Their influential propensity is similar to that of lustful love. Lustful love is full of unfaithfulness and deceptions, which, if put into contrast with the temptations of mobile phones expenses, emotional distractions, etc, could be, effortlessly, balanced out. So, what's next in the technological world? No?óÔé¼?ªdidn't think you would answer that either, you would just follow whatever it is that comes up next.

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