Eminem"s Controversial Lyrics
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The average rapper wouldn't be able to grace the pages of Rap Pages, VIBE, Spin, The Source, URB and Stress and go on a national tour months before their major label debut album is released. Then again Eminem isn't the average rapper. Marshall Bruce Mathers a.k.a. Eminem. Born October 17, 1972, grew up in Kansas City. From there he began his career as an individual white rapper. Not many white people are able to succeed in the rap industry, but Eminem has proved everyone wrong. He is now one of the most talked about persons on the earth. His lyrics...
Eminem I don't listen to it because it has lots of swearing in it or he talks about violence, I like it because he has such a skill in writing songs. He is able to make song humorous and enjoyable. As Eminem said "I do say things that may shock people, but I don't say things to shock people." If the anti Eminem protestors actually sat down and listened to his music and not singled out the controversial parts they might actually like it, and if they don't like it don't listen to it. It's as simple as that.
Eminem I don't listen to it because it has lots of swearing in it or he talks about violence, I like it because he has such a skill in writing songs. He is able to make song humorous and enjoyable. As Eminem said "I do say things that may shock people, but I don't say things to shock people." If the anti Eminem protestors actually sat down and listened to his music and not singled out the controversial parts they might actually like it, and if they don't like it don't listen to it. It's as simple as that.
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