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What did Moore mean by the Naturalistic Fallacy? What is naturalistic about it? Is it really a fallacy? Has either G J Warnock or Philippa Foot succeeded in establishing the legitimacy of ethical naturalism?
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"If I am asked, "What is good?" my answer is that good is good and that is the end of the matter. Or if I"m asked, "How is good to be defined?" my answer is that it cannot be defined, and that is all I have to say about it". G.E. Moore, "Principia Ethica" Indeed it does appear that this is all Moore has to say about it. The absence of any acceptable "proof" that his position is more tenable than that of the ethical naturalists or metaphysicians makes it necessary for him to make this point so forcibly....
the end of all action should be the maximum possible fulfilment or pro-interests of everyone concerned which is almost an amalgam of Utilitarianism in society and "self-realisation" in the individual. This is the least limiting definition of goodness or right action covering wide areas of human experience. To enthuse, and quote: "with a few basic definitions, the whole field of; human values including ethics, are organised in such a way that every item now springs into place a frustratingly complex area of inquiry has become simplified and clarified. It achieves unity and gives a naturalist theory in one brilliant stroke"..
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