What does it cost to turn on a light switch, run the TV all day, or take a long hot shower? How many hours a day, week, or year do we have to work just to pay for the gas in our cars, air conditioning and heating in our homes, or storage of old leftover food in our refrigerators? How early could a person retire if he never had to pay an electric bill his entire life? How many people would not be impoverished if they could forgo the monthly electric bill debt? Free energy, an untapped resource, means self-sufficiency,...
to twenty years. After that time the system actually turns into a money producer through monthly savings. Some passive systems can be as simple as using more windows on the south side of the house to increase winter solar gain, or using a certain type of building material to decrease thermal siphoning. Some of these design features could be incorporated into standard building practices and produce substantial savings at no additional cost. Free energy is attainable and can improve the lives of all. Free energy means freedom from government and oil addictions, and constitutes a more sustainable way of life.

to twenty years. After that time the system actually turns into a money producer through monthly savings. Some passive systems can be as simple as using more windows on the south side of the house to increase winter solar gain, or using a certain type of building material to decrease thermal siphoning. Some of these design features could be incorporated into standard building practices and produce substantial savings at no additional cost. Free energy is attainable and can improve the lives of all. Free energy means freedom from government and oil addictions, and constitutes a more sustainable way of life.
Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642, in Lincolnshire, England. Newton attended Trinity College in 1661 and had both his Bachelor of Arts and his Master of Arts by 1669. That same year he became the associate of the French Academy of Sciences. He was elected to Parilment,...
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Introduction The beginnings of our Universe have many times been contemplated, and many different solutions have been approached from many different views. The Big Bang Theory, however, is the most widely accepted theory to have been come across. Though there is a large amount of evidence to prove that...
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Geosynchronous Orbits + Geostationary OrbitsWebster"s Dictionary defines a Geostationary orbit as of, relating to, or being a satellite that travels above Earth"s equator from west to east at an altitude of approximately 35,900 kilometers 22,300 miles and at a speed matching that of Earth"s rotation, thus remaining stationary in relation...
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Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642, in Lincolnshire, England. Newton attended Trinity College in 1661 and had both his Bachelor of Arts and his Master of Arts by 1669. That same year he became the associate of the French Academy of Sciences. He was elected to Parilment,...
Words: 327
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