Magnetic Anisotropy Of Fine Particles
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"Magnetic Anisotropy Of Fine Particles" In nature, single domain particles are magnetized to saturation, where the magnetization has an easy axis, or several easy axes, along which it prefers to lie. In this case the total internal energy is minimum. Rotation of the magnetization vector away from the easy axis is possible only by applying an external magnetic field. This phenomenon is called magnetic anisotropy. Thus, the term magnetic anisotropy describe the dependence of the internal energy on the direction of magnetization of the particle. The energy term of this kind is called a magnetic anisotropy energy. Generally it has...
rather along an axis whose demagnetizating field is a minimum. This is called shape anisotropy and was proposed by 1947.

rather along an axis whose demagnetizating field is a minimum. This is called shape anisotropy and was proposed by 1947.
In real systems, there is always a particle size and shape distributions as well as a distribution of particle enviroments, depending on the topology of the system e.g. in the case of a dispersion of particles distributed in a hosting matrix. This leads to a distribution of the total energy barriers of particles, PED say, because of the different values of the various contributions i.e. magnetocrystalline, surface, stress, shape, etc. and thus to distributions of the blocking temperatures TB.
Angular momentum and its properties were devised over time by many of the great minds in physics. Newton and Kepler were probably the two biggest factors in the evolution of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the force which a moving body, following a curved path, has because of its mass...
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Aim: To examine characteristics of a converging lens and the images they create. Also to examine the focal length and how the focus point may be found and developing rules for locating an image via ray drawings and the intersection of rays. Chromatic aberration will also be explored and why...
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Some say that sports in America are favored more by people who live elsewhere. I wonder why. Studies have shown that some people like the fact that most sports have some type of physical contact. Why is that most Americans rather watch sports on television than read a book, maybe...
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Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642, in Lincolnshire, England. Newton attended Trinity College in 1661 and had both his Bachelor of Arts and his Master of Arts by 1669. That same year he became the associate of the French Academy of Sciences. He was elected to Parilment,...
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Geosynchronous Orbits + Geostationary OrbitsWebster"s Dictionary defines a Geostationary orbit as of, relating to, or being a satellite that travels above Earth"s equator from west to east at an altitude of approximately 35,900 kilometers 22,300 miles and at a speed matching that of Earth"s rotation, thus remaining stationary in relation...
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