This essay will outline Psychodynamic and Behaviourist theory and attempt to show some fundamental differences between the two.
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This essay will outline Psychodynamic and Behaviourist theory and attempt to show some fundamental differences between the two. Throughout the course of history these two psychological perspectives have been very influential within Psychology and are still in use today. Behaviourism A Brief Overview John B. Watson, an American Psychologist, is regarded as the initial founder of Behaviourism. After studying Psychology at the University of Chicago he continued his studies to become Professor of Psychology at John Hopkins University. His first paper written in 1913 outlined his behaviourist approach to Psychology. Watson ignored approaches concerned with...
Gross R 1997 Themes issues and debates in Psychology Hodder & Stoughton
Jacobs M 1996 The Presenting past-an introduction to practical psychodynamic counselling Open University press
John Medcof &John Roth Editors. 1991 Approaches To Psychology. Chapters 4 & 6. Open University Press
Mayhew J 1997 Psychological change Macmillan
Roger C 1990 On becoming a person A therapist's view of psychotherapy Contstable & Company
Ruth Berry 2000 Freud, A Beginners Guide Hodder & Stoughton
Ross P 1999 You need to see a psychoanalyst The Times February 1999
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