Explain what is meant by the terms conformity, minority influence and obedience.
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Explain what is meant by the terms conformity, minority influence and obedience. Conformity is defined by David Myers 1999 as 'a change in behaviour or belief as a results of real or imagined group pressure' But Zimbardo defines it as a 'tendency for people to adopt the behaviour, attitudes and values of other members of a group' Different people maybe agree with one definition more so than with the other but it is generally thought as the act of going along with conforming to the social norms that their groups and societies have evolved. Minority social influence...
the participants and no psychological damage was reported.
the participants and no psychological damage was reported.
After each experiment Milgram explained to the participant the true nature behind the study. He explained to obedient participants that they were normal, as the majority of people conformed and he explained to the disobedient participants that they're behaviour was socially desirable because they stood up against a malevolent authority figure, telling them to do something that they felt was wrong.
When the study was carried out there were no ethical guidelines to be followed so Milgram, it seems, did his best to protect his participants from harm.
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