Sharing Values
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My values have always been to keep it real by staying true to one"s self and people around me. I also practice eye for an eye: tooth for a tooth, and has always been a respecter of my elders. Ever since the day I was born I was brought up in church. I was taught the golden rule and was also taught to love my neighbor as my-self. I haven"t seen the passions and believe you shouldn"t have to go to the theaters to reverence the Lord. Now does it make people appreciate the gospel yes, but it shouldn"t...
side and neither my life.

side and neither my life.
Values are very important to most of us. Some of us don"t follow values but live our life by the code of the street. Most of us have not been on the street and lack street values "snitches" is what we refer to you as. Well in closing I grew up in church and that"s where most of my values came from. When I was on the street I was taught put values aside and do what ever it takes to survive. And straight from the sources mouth you learned my values.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Christian belief encountered significant opposition. Until then, most of the world shared the belief of the "Medieval world view" that not only was the earth positioned at the center of the universe, but that God was all knowing, all powerful and all good. God...
Words: 821
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On November 23, 1926, in a remote village in southern India, Sai Baba was born and given the family name of Satyanarayana Raju. Many stories began that after Sathya was born, strange "miracles" were beginning to occur. His was different from the children around him, and his actions and behaviors...
Words: 376
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When astronomer Carl Sagan was asked to quantify his belief in God, he would issue a predetermined clever response: "If you define 'God' as the sum of all the forces in the Universe, then, yes I do." This was a response tailored to leave the critics of atheism and agnosticism...
Words: 3445
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Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to. - George Seaton Science vs. Religion It has always been this way since the beginning of time, literally. It is very difficult to choose one over the other because one is based on fact and logic while the...
Words: 624
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Faith is not easy to find in this generation of lost souls. What prevents people from having faith? A Christian might answer, "The Fall of Man is where it began." Corruption, self-centeredness, sloth, lust and an epidemic of amoral behavior has tainted humanity. As I wrote this paper in the...
Words: 902
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