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An American Chemist named Glenn T. Seaborg discovered plutonium in 1941 at Berkeley University in California. The discovery of Plutonium was not announced until 1946 because America was at war with Japan and Germany. Plutonium was named after the planet Pluto, after the planet Neptune in the solar system and Neptune gave its name to Neptunium. Plutonium is a silvery metal that turns yellow when exposed to air. It is warm to the touch due to the releasing radioactive energy from it. The atomic number of Plutonium is 94. It has an average atomic mass of 244. The symbol for...
to 246. Plutionum-239 is thought to be the most important. It can be split into two parts called "fission fragments" that release large amounts of energy. It melts at 641 degrees Celsius and boils at about 3232 degrees Celsius.

to 246. Plutionum-239 is thought to be the most important. It can be split into two parts called "fission fragments" that release large amounts of energy. It melts at 641 degrees Celsius and boils at about 3232 degrees Celsius.
Plutonium is made in large amounts by nuclear reactors. Since it"s easy to produce it is used a lot in nuclear weapons. An amount of Plutonium about the size of an orange is enough to fuel a nuclear reactor. It is also used as a battery in heart pacemakers. Furthermore, it has been used to power some forms of spacecraft.
About 1 out of 201 Caucasian people carries at least one of the fatal defective genes that cause cystic fibrosis, CF, or mucoviscidosis in Europe although carriers don"t show any signs of the disease. Therefore, 10 million2 people carry the defective gene and aren"t aware of it. Consequently, it makes...
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Since the dawn of humanity, there has been a single question that has perplexed even the greatest of philosophers and scientists. Humans are, by nature, interested in their past. As a result every civilization through out time has sought to find the origin of life, and answered it to meet...
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The common cold has been around since the Greeks where physician Hipprocrates suggested that the stuffed up feeling was the result of too much waste matter in the brain. When you received a runny nose, it was the waste overflowing. After the Renaissance, doctors began to study the human body...
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The Shallows Rhetorical Analysis In the book "The Shallows" Nicholas Carr develops his argument just as an architect would construct a building. The foundation is laid then in tedious and eloquent manner he begins his argument that defines the book. Shedding light upon the dangers our society...
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Xenon is a rare, colorless, odorless, tasteless, chemically unreactive gas. It is one of the inert gas elements found in group 0 of the periodic table. Xenon was long considered incapable of chemical reaction, but in 1962 Neil Bartlett, a Canadian chemist, reported synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate, XePtF6, a true...
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