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The Armadillo
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Words: 427 Views: 437 Comments: 0
The Armadillo is a very different creature. It has tremendous claws, but no fighting instinct. They have teeth, but not in front, except for the milk teeth some have during infancy. They have long tongues because they catch insects. A strange thing which these animals have is a coat armor, unique among other animals. They have bony plate armor on the outside of their bodies". Each species has a different pattern for every little plate they carry. They all are great burrowers. They sink a hole with them in it as one approaches. It takes a good man to haul...
a hedgehog or the porcupine, but it is more interesting because of the way they fit themselves into their armor. Their head and tail pass perfectly through openings in the upper surface of the armor. These openings are bony doors.

The back of a typical Glyptodon was covered with a solid piece of bony armor. The tail looked like a bunch of bony rings. The backbone was solid except at the neck. At the neck, there is a joint which allows the head to fit under the bony plate. Some members of the family had tails of solid bone.

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