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The Roses of Eyam by Don Taylor an accurate portrayal of how the villages of a small village situated in Derbyshire called Eyam coped with the arrival of the plague in 1665. In the civil war Charles I had little understanding of Scotland. The Scottish church was Presbyterian it...
Words: 1290
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Child Language acquisition-Outline the main stages of child language development Similarly to physical activity e.g. standing, all normal children develop language skills at roughly the same time, and follow approximately the same language acquisition schedule regardless of their culture. However, the rate at which each individual child reaches the...
Words: 1390
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The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945, but the play was set in 1912. After living through two world wars, Priestley writes this play trying to get across his point that unless the world becomes socialist there will be another World War. By setting the play earlier than...
Words: 2949
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In Willey Russell's play, "Our Day Out" the deprivd youth of inner city Liverpool are treated to an exciting day out to Wales. They are so poor they cannot aford a proper breakfast or even school uniform. Four teachers r responsible for them. First there is the kind, gentle and...
Words: 3359
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The first poem I am going to look at is Charlotte O"Neil"s song. Charlotte O"Neil is servant who looks on her life as gruelling and dull. Her heart sets on an exciting new life in New Zealand were she hoped to live her life as "luxurious" as her mistress....
Words: 671
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At the end of WWII the americans droped the atom bomb on Hiroshima Aug 6 1945 and Nagasaki Aug 9 1945 two Japanease cities. This was a result of japans early attempts to make an empire in south-east asia. Japan had motives for making an empire in south-east...
Words: 795
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1984 is a remarkable futuristic novel by George Orwell about how life would be under an oligarchic regime. Northern stage, a local acting group, performed it. George Orwell wrote the stunning play in 1948. He based the play on how he thought life would be like in 1984 and...
Words: 803
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Romeo and Juliet are two lovers who are kept apart by their feuding families and as a result, Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide as they cannot be together. The Capulets, Juliet's family, and the Montagues, Romeos family, are the two families that are at war. Romeo and Juliet are...
Words: 1885
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Dickens wrote 'Great Expectations' in 1860. It is now well renowned for being a dark, atmospheric novel, set in 19th Century Victorian England. Charles Dickens is widely known today for the success of his novels, and his excellence in using fictional, atmospheric places in 'Great Expectations' to reflect the minds...
Words: 2829
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Love Poems date back excuse the pun over 100's and 100's of years. Since language and writing began people have sent each other expressions of their love, pictures, gifts and poems. In each of the hundreds of spoken languages of the world there is a subsection of words to...
Words: 2909
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