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Meet Carl Robinson, he is a 13-year-old student at St. Mark's School in North London. He is an only child who lives with his mother and father in a small house near to the school. Carl is a clever student and is seen with a great deal of potential. He...
Words: 1694
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In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting two relationships. The first is the Macbeths from the play 'Macbeth', written by William Shakespeare in England in the 1600's however the play is set in 11th century Scotland. In 17th century England there were many changes. Queen Elizabeth 1st...
Words: 1032
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It was a cold, snowy day. Snow was coming into my eyes and nose. I didn't wear gloves so I couldn't feel my fingers. And my feet were like a block of ice. Leaves have fallen from the trees. And the snow was about 50 centimetres high from the ground....
Words: 1650
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How has globalization changed Vietnam After many years of war with France and the United States, Vietnam closed its economy to the outside world and attempted to control its own destiny. This was not successful and the country decided to open its doors to globalization in the 1980s...
Words: 619
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Nowadays, we are often laden with homework and tortured with examinations and assignment. Everyone wants their school to be a paradise or even heaven where they can enjoy their school days better without anxiety. On the contary, schools today do not provide that. Therefore, an ideal school is essential for...
Words: 516
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The Sun begins to set slowly. The Orange red blob rolls down the sky. The waves break gently into white foam on the black beach. The small crystals in the sand sparkle and glow brilliantly orange, with the sunrays. The soft sand cushions the feet. The Now red sun is...
Words: 194
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"Tick, Tock", that was the only noise that I could hear for the past few hours. I lifted my head, and glanced once again at the empty seats of the waiting room. As the ticking of the clock continued I began to feel my heart thumping to the rhythm of...
Words: 531
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Good communications in our life is a necessity, however we lack of it almost everyday. Sometimes we don't even notice, when we speak in a certain tone, what kind of body language we use, and that starts an argument. Soon we get carried away and start ignoring the other person,...
Words: 625
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It is a place that some love like a humongous pizza on a Saturday night after a movie, and some loath like the Federal Emergency Management Agency's handling of the hurricane Katrina disaster. It is a place that can make any child smile when he or she hears that they...
Words: 672
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Life is a perpetual struggle for existence, which meets its end in what we call DEATH. Since man is destined to be surrounded by problems it is mandatory that he love himself the most for it is this love for the inner self that acts as an inexhaustible potion to...
Words: 477
View(s): 5703
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