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The ways in which the generic codes the conventions of science fiction are used in 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' and 'Independence Day' are very different. The main factor is that both films were made in two different times. 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' was made in 1951,...
Words: 1308
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Within this essay I intend to compare "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" by Christopher Marlowe which is a ballad and an idyll. With " The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" by Sir Walter Raleigh which is also an idyll. I will focus on the parody aspect of the poem by...
Words: 2124
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The Roses of Eyam by Don Taylor an accurate portrayal of how the villages of a small village situated in Derbyshire called Eyam coped with the arrival of the plague in 1665. In the civil war Charles I had little understanding of Scotland. The Scottish church was Presbyterian it...
Words: 1290
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Curley's wife is the only woman on the ranch. She is married to Curley who is the Boss' son. She is always dressed up. She is first described as ' a girl with full rouged lips, red nails and her hair rolled.' She looks out of place in a...
Words: 864
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Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy first performed on the Elizabethan stage in around 1595. It was first performed by the Lord Chamberlain's company whilst they were the occupants of the Shoreditch Theatre. As this play is a romantic tragedy there are many different ways which the themes of...
Words: 2622
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Shakespeare wrote many of his plays to discuss and criticise the society he lived in and the strict regulations that were attached to it. Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy. Without detracting from the obvious frivolity that the audience can see on stage, the play invokes many issues...
Words: 1989
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1984 is a remarkable futuristic novel by George Orwell about how life would be under an oligarchic regime. Northern stage, a local acting group, performed it. George Orwell wrote the stunning play in 1948. He based the play on how he thought life would be like in 1984 and...
Words: 803
View(s): 1971
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Romeo and Juliet are two lovers who are kept apart by their feuding families and as a result, Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide as they cannot be together. The Capulets, Juliet's family, and the Montagues, Romeos family, are the two families that are at war. Romeo and Juliet are...
Words: 1885
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Dickens wrote 'Great Expectations' in 1860. It is now well renowned for being a dark, atmospheric novel, set in 19th Century Victorian England. Charles Dickens is widely known today for the success of his novels, and his excellence in using fictional, atmospheric places in 'Great Expectations' to reflect the minds...
Words: 2829
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Although both 'Dulce et Decorum Est?é?? and 'The Charge of the Light Brigade?é?? are about battle and the death of soldiers, they portray the experience of war in different ways. Tennyson?é??s poem celebrates the glory of war, despite the fact that, because of an error of judgement 'Someone...
Words: 1368
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