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In 1914, it could truly be said that the "sun never set on the British Empire" whether or not as the French disparagingly claimed this was because God didn't trust the British in the dark. While the size of the Empire increased after W.W.II with the acquisition of territories held...
Words: 1708
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There are many reasons why the U.S.A had to withdraw from the Vietnam War. Popular opinion, the American media, the cost of the war and Vietcong tactics are some of the factors which eventually caused America to accept defeat and leave Vietnam. In this essay I am going to...
Words: 1960
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In 1928, the newly empowered Stalin embarked on one of the most ambitious industrialisation programs in world history, leading to the establishment of the U.S.S.R as a pinnacle world superpower in less than half a century. Industrialisation was the primary goal of Lenin and Stalin, as well as many...
Words: 5716
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At the end of WWII the americans droped the atom bomb on Hiroshima Aug 6 1945 and Nagasaki Aug 9 1945 two Japanease cities. This was a result of japans early attempts to make an empire in south-east asia. Japan had motives for making an empire in south-east...
Words: 795
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Throughout Nazi Germany in the period 1928 through to 1941, racism was utilized by Hitler, and in turn his Nazi party, most predominantly to secure Hitler?s position as dictator, and secondly to unite the German people against a common enemy, which would lead to a united powerful state, ready and...
Words: 1759
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Konstantin Sergeivich Alexeiev was born into a very rich Russian family in the year 1863. With a theatre built in a wing of his home, he was brought up with acting in his life and his family were very fond of the art. However, they were not the kind of...
Words: 1629
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Late 19th century industrial society was a particular time of high rates of suicide, marital break-ups and conflict. Such behaviour, according to Durkheim, indicates the breakdown of normative control. The rapid social change disrupted the norms governing behaviour. Today, with high rates of divorce, crime, family break-ups, single mothers,...
Words: 1025
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The Nazis' Aim The Nazis' objective was based on 'the Nazi Project'. This projects main idea was that all Germans were part of a 'master race' Herren Volk; this master race would be a strong, racially pure 'Volksgemeinschaft' which is roughly translated to 'national community'. To achieve this...
Words: 1114
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The Nazis' Aim The Nazis' objective was based on 'the Nazi Project'. This projects main idea was that all Germans were part of a 'master race' Herren Volk; this master race would be a strong, racially pure 'Volksgemeinschaft' which is roughly translated to 'national community'. To achieve this...
Words: 1114
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First, some background information compiled from Newsweek and Time Magazine when the book was first published in 1988: In issuing his decree against Salmon Rushdie and his book, The Satanic Verses, Iran"s Ayatollah Khomeini drew worldwide attention to a novel that otherwise might have gone largely unnoticed by...
Words: 2123
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