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Search for "History : Ancient History"
How has globalization changed Vietnam After many years of war with France and the United States, Vietnam closed its economy to the outside world and attempted to control its own destiny. This was not successful and the country decided to open its doors to globalization in the 1980s...
Words: 619
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Some say that sports in America are favored more by people who live elsewhere. I wonder why. Studies have shown that some people like the fact that most sports have some type of physical contact. Why is that most Americans rather watch sports on television than read a book, maybe...
Words: 3672
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The Communists were able to come to power principally because of the policies and actions used by the Guomindang of which the CCP Chinese Communist Party took advantage. However in addition to this, there were also significant factors such as the conditions during the beginning of the twentieth century complications...
Words: 3565
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Jesus at Nazareth Questions: 1 Describe what happened when Jesus visited Nazareth and show what people thought about him on this occasion. 2 Comment on how this occasion was fulfilled in Luke's Gospel Answers: 1 Jesus visited Gallilee and then went to his hometown, where...
Words: 998
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China has the world"s oldest living civilization. It"s written history goes back almost 3,500 years, and the history told by it"s artifacts and artwork goes back much farther. The oldest known works of Chinese art include pottery and jade carvings from the time of 5000 BC. Jade is a general...
Words: 1259
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Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptian people did not move around like the prehistoric people. Some areas, such as the Nile valley were fertile and offered greater security for settlements to farm and so survive all year round. People settled in towns and not everybody had to till the soil...
Words: 6397
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"All of Egypt is the gift of the Nile." It was the Greek historian Herodotus who made that observation. The remarkable benefits of the Nile are clear to everyone, but through history he was the first to talk about it and consider its fascination. Through history, the Nile played a...
Words: 1682
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The center of the Aztec civilization was the Valley of Mexico, a huge, oval basin about 7,500 feet above sea level. The Aztecs were formed after the Tolteccivilization occurred when hundreds of civilians came towards Lake Texcoco. In the swamplands there was only one piece of land to farm on...
Words: 1226
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The Greeks were very advanced for their time. They realized that they needed a new form of government and they were able to invent the first democratic government in the world. The democracy that the Greeks came up with was based on two important factors. The...
Words: 661
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The Ancient Regime French for Old Order was the way society was run, in a period in French history occurring before the French Revolution 1789 ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ 1799. France was ruled by an absolute monarchy a system where the king was classed as divine ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ an infallible role King Louis XVI...
Words: 1854
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