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Search for "Religious Studies"
Aquinas developed five ways for proving the existence of God, and one of them was a version of the cosmological argument that aims to answer the questions of how the universe began, why the universe was created, and who created it. The argument is a posteriori, as it is based...
Words: 1810
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What Is Racism? Racism is the belief of being the better race over other races. It happens when people are prejudice prejudice being when you pre-judge some one and stereotype them because of what they are and discriminate against people because of the colour of their skin or their...
Words: 1056
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Catholics views and teachings on wealth are quite clear. Catholics teach that wealth is something that can be used for a number of good things but it can also be used for a number of evil things. Catholics think that wealth in life is not a bad...
Words: 1817
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One definition of abortion is the, "Premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb". This is not a definite definition. Most definitions would vary depending on who you ask. Most Christians would have said that it was artificial expulsion. This could then not mistaken for a miscarriage. Before 1967...
Words: 1483
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How has globalization changed Vietnam After many years of war with France and the United States, Vietnam closed its economy to the outside world and attempted to control its own destiny. This was not successful and the country decided to open its doors to globalization in the 1980s...
Words: 619
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Some say that sports in America are favored more by people who live elsewhere. I wonder why. Studies have shown that some people like the fact that most sports have some type of physical contact. Why is that most Americans rather watch sports on television than read a book, maybe...
Words: 3672
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From the outset, defining religion seems a rather paradoxical task to attempt. By doing so, we make broad assumptions and make statements about what is and isn't so. We need to do this to try and understand something which is, for the most part, a somewhat intangible concept. By attempting...
Words: 1405
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C.S. Lewis' Aslan in, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, exactly mirrors Jesus Christ. Aslan's sacrifice for a crime committed by Edmund is an exact mirror of Christ's ultimate sacrifice for our sins. When Aslan is killed on the stone table and comes back to...
Words: 5002
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Jesus at Nazareth Questions: 1 Describe what happened when Jesus visited Nazareth and show what people thought about him on this occasion. 2 Comment on how this occasion was fulfilled in Luke's Gospel Answers: 1 Jesus visited Gallilee and then went to his hometown, where...
Words: 998
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Lisa, a 43-year-old woman was diagnosed with lung cancer, terminal disease. For the past 2 years Lisa has been receiving chemotherapy and taking numerous types of medication trying to prolong her life. This life prolonging treatment caught up with her. Everyday now Lisa has to battle just to get out...
Words: 1551
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