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Search for "Science and Technology"
How has globalization changed Vietnam After many years of war with France and the United States, Vietnam closed its economy to the outside world and attempted to control its own destiny. This was not successful and the country decided to open its doors to globalization in the 1980s...
Words: 619
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Some say that sports in America are favored more by people who live elsewhere. I wonder why. Studies have shown that some people like the fact that most sports have some type of physical contact. Why is that most Americans rather watch sports on television than read a book, maybe...
Words: 3672
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Anaemia is a disease of the blood. Anaemia is characterized by a deficiency in red blood cells or in the concentration of hemoglobin in the body. These deficiencies are caused by either decreased production or increased destruction of blood cells. Anaemia is most common among women in their reproductive years,...
Words: 459
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Introduction To investigate how the length of a wire affects resistance in an electric circuit, different lengths of wire will be placed in an electrical circuit and the effects will be observed. An ammeter and voltmeter will be used to measure the current and voltage in...
Words: 3147
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Nanorobotics Nanorobotics is the emerging technology field of creating machines or robots whose components are at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (one- billionth of a metre). The names nanobots, nanoids, nanites, nanomachines or nanomites have also been used to describe these devices with key...
Words: 646
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It is impossible to rigorously prove or substantiate the existence of a Soul, a psyche. Numerous explanations have been hitherto offered: That what we, humans, call a soul is the way that we experience the workings of our brain introspection experienced. This often leads to infinite regressions. That the soul...
Words: 5800
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Early Physics Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had a knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of...
Words: 1381
View(s): 1885
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Some things are logically possible LP. Others are physically possible PP and yet others are Physically Actual PA. The things that are logically necessary LN are excluded from this discussion because they constitute a meta-level: they result from the true theorems in the logical systems within which LP, PP and...
Words: 1292
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The aim of this investigation is to see how the concentration of a reactant in ratio to the reactor affects the rate of a reaction. When hydrochloric acid and Thiosulphate react together sulphur is liberated this means that as the reaction goes on the solution will become yellow and will...
Words: 3420
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