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Although George Braque May 13, 1882 - Aug. 31, 1963 was one of the most influential painters of the twentieth century his name is all but forgotten. He has received little credit for his efforts towards the creation of analytic cubism. Many art historians believe that his prestigious role as father of analytic cubism was cut short because of Picasso's fame. Many arguments have arisen asking the question: "Who is the father of cubism?" There is no doubt that Picasso started the spark which ignited modern art movements with the creation of "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.." But, soon after Picasso created...
see that he has been disregarded as the prominent figure that he is. Braque's "House at L'Estaque" is the painting that sparked the start of analytic cubism and that painting is one of the turning points in art. Although Picasso became the father of modern art with his "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon", Braque is the father of cubism because he created the first analytic work. Braque has never received the recognition he deserves, and it coincides well with a quote that Braque stated himself: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the thing you can"t explain." George Braque
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