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Homer Winslow And Jules Breton
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Homer Winslow and Jules Breton, two men painting the canvas of the nineteenth century. Comparing their art gives birth to numerous differences and unique qualities hidden within their work and lives. Dressing For The Carnival, Homer 1877, and The Weeders, Breton 1868, are fine examples of their careers as artists. Beyond the aesthetic merits of his work, Breton is significant as the painter whose vision of French rural life best embodies a set of late nineteenth- century ideals: the charm and wholesomeness of rustic ways, the nobility of living close to the soil, the beauty of preindustrial landscape, and the...
To these men life is more than the class you have been born into. There is an infostructure and roots to every society. And though these people may not be closely examined and accepted, these artists show those who do not stop to catch a glimpse of someone else's life that there is beauty and quality elsewhere. That is the goal of any good artist I believe, to educate the mind and stretch and stimulate the senses. Whether viewers reacted with appreciation or disgust, they were effected which is nothing but praise to an artist trying to show truth.
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