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Salvador Dali, a born artist with an appetite for creativity, created some of the most famous surreal art pieces known to man.
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Salvador Dali, a born artist with an appetite for creativity, created some of the most famous surreal art pieces known to man. The Spanish artist's ideas, yet extreme, caught the attention of millions of people as he experimented to push the limits of art as far as possible. Wandering into the subconsciousness of his mind he began to explore places of the mind that would be unbelievable to the typical person. Dali did this by using a method called The Paranoiac Critical Method, which he later converted to The Oniric-Critical Method. Many of his paintings can be deeply analyzed while...
works leave people wondering and thinking of some sense that must be in the picture. I have tried to make doing so a little clearer by explaining his way of thinking and his symbols within the paintings.

I have obtained a more knowledgeable opinion on his pieces of art in relation to his thoughts and his elements in the painting. I am able to identify from which period of his life that his paintings are from by identifying symbols, themes, and style.

It is undoubtedly true that Salvador Dali is a unique painter, who takes after no one else.

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