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The Communists were able to come to power principally because of the policies and actions used by the Guomindang of which the CCP Chinese Communist Party took advantage.
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The Communists were able to come to power principally because of the policies and actions used by the Guomindang of which the CCP Chinese Communist Party took advantage. However in addition to this, there were also significant factors such as the conditions during the beginning of the twentieth century complications in the republic China and the Japanese War 1937-45, which led to the vulnerability and insufficiency of the GMD during the Civil War. Their leader, Chiang Kai-shek, lost the support of the majority, mainly peasants and intellectuals, to the CCP, which contributed to their success in war, and he was...
their military strengths and socio-political programs, as well as the opposite status and position of their enemy, the military weaknesses and other features of the GMD.

Overall, it can be disclosed that the Communists came to power in China mainly because of their useful methods, in which the mistakes of the Guomindang were taken advantage of. Besides, the CCP was able to fight more efficiently in the Civil and Japanese War, protecting the majority instead of ignoring it. The Communist leader, Mao Zedong, was finally able to take over the nation and proclaim it the Peoples Republic of China.

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