Impoverished women and children and no welfare
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June 20, 2012
Imagine you are on the verge of homelessness, no job, you have applied at every possible job opening, no training assistance available, no family to help, children at home to support and the small amount of help you do receive from the state welfare system is about to be depleted. Over 41,000 families lost their cash assistance benefits in October of 2011, over 14,000 more are estimated to lose theirs by October of 2012. Michigan families are facing these issues since Governor Snyder signed...
from http// R, French (2011, October 2011). 11,000 Michigan families confront the unknown. Bridge Magazine. Retrieved from http// DeNavas-Walt, Carmen, Bernadette D. Proctor, and Jessica C. Smith. Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 U.S. Census Bureau (September 2010) http// K, Horn (2011, Sept 9). Another View Welfare reform in Michigan is reasonable and necessary. Retrieved from http// DHS seeks to comment on 2012 TANF plan, 2011 retrieved from,4562,7-124-7691_7752-221527--,00.html DHS appeals Welfare law ruling, 2011retrived from http//,4562,7-124--275048--,00.html Introduction to Michigan welfare reform, (DHS, 2012, para 2). Retrieved from http//,1607,7-124-5459_7342_7923-15596--,00.html
from http// R, French (2011, October 2011). 11,000 Michigan families confront the unknown. Bridge Magazine. Retrieved from http// DeNavas-Walt, Carmen, Bernadette D. Proctor, and Jessica C. Smith. Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 U.S. Census Bureau (September 2010) http// K, Horn (2011, Sept 9). Another View Welfare reform in Michigan is reasonable and necessary. Retrieved from http// DHS seeks to comment on 2012 TANF plan, 2011 retrieved from,4562,7-124-7691_7752-221527--,00.html DHS appeals Welfare law ruling, 2011retrived from http//,4562,7-124--275048--,00.html Introduction to Michigan welfare reform, (DHS, 2012, para 2). Retrieved from http//,1607,7-124-5459_7342_7923-15596--,00.html
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