In the United States, true equality has never existed.
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In the United States, true equality has never existed. From the Declaration of Independence to modern times, the U.S. legal system has failed in any attempt at equality. The ideology of "all [men] are equal but some [men] are more equal than others" has been present throughout the history of the U.S. Orwell. Inequality has always existed in the United States legal system and continues to exist today; however, the inequality presently in the system is not as blatant as what it once was, but the system has come to depend on inequality. Since the very beginning of a legal...
or women face an inordinate burden to prove purposeful action, and the tendency to ignore the appearance of discrimination or stereotyping?óÔé¼?ª; and moral skepticism that doubts that white men discriminate anymore and questions the credibility and motives of challengers who claim otherwise" have lead to support of inequality Kairys, par. 22.
or women face an inordinate burden to prove purposeful action, and the tendency to ignore the appearance of discrimination or stereotyping?óÔé¼?ª; and moral skepticism that doubts that white men discriminate anymore and questions the credibility and motives of challengers who claim otherwise" have lead to support of inequality Kairys, par. 22.
So long as there is a majority dependent on the disparities of a minority, the system will maintain its current sanctity. In doing so, the system will remain dependent on inequality and provide means for future inequalities. The American legal system will always adapt to allow for inequalities.
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