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Although American culture has changed over the years, parents today still want what is best for their children.
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Although American culture has changed over the years, parents today still want what is best for their children. Why then, are parents allowing their children to be put on medications that may have an adverse effect on their children? Attention Deficit Disorder ADD and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD have increasingly been diagnosed among young children today. Parents should become more informed about the over diagnosing, side effects, results of the medication and all other pertinent information before they allow their children to become treated. In this research paper we are first going to look at why ADD and ADHD...
way through neurology to change children's behavior, with minimal side effects-violent rages. Although the community does not know how he is doing it, they really don't seem to care as long as their children are doing well in school. This scientist is not only, encouraged, rewarded and respected, but also looked upon as the hero of the community. This movie is truly symbolic of the parenting culture we live in and is definitely worth noting.

In conclusion, American culture needs to change and become more of a traditional one again. Parents should reconsider drug treatment for ADD and look

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