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Dreams: What They Really Are
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Many people may have thought, "What in the world was that?" after waking up from a strange dream. Dreams may be very interesting, but they have more to them, such as the sleep cycle, insomnia, and many others people are not aware of. Nightmares and night terrors are also more than what most people think. Dreams are very fascinating and there is much more to them than people realize, but that also means it takes more to understand them. Scientists have been studying the phenomenon for many years. Arnoff 21 During sleep many things happen, such as the blood...
someone wants to remember their dreams he should try writing them down. Dreams can be very important. Artists, writers, and scientist get many of their ideas from dreams. "Questions" Online

Dreams are more than just pictures in the mind, and scientists still do not know everything about them. Something more else may be discovered about the sleep cycle or nightmares. Interpretation might also have much more to it than what people think now. Now when people wake up from strange dreams they might start thinking about more than how funny or scary a dream may have been.

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