How To Detect Lies
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How to detect lies
Signs of Deception
Body Language of Lies
Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space.
A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.
Hands touching their face, throat mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. Not likely to touch his chest/heart with an open hand.
Emotional Gestures Contradiction
Timing and duration of emotional gestures and emotions are...
Implicit or broadly unconscious processes can be more effective than conscious directed thought. 5. Lying is hard work. Lying can place high cognitive demands on an individual - putting more pressure on a suspected liar can help with detection. Next time youre tempted to assume your partner would never lie to you but the nervous-looking person in the office probably does, stop and think again. Research on lying in nonverbal psychology has clearly shown that misunderstandings are rife. Lie detection is a subtle art requiring very sharp senses and these 5 proven factors show you where to start.
Implicit or broadly unconscious processes can be more effective than conscious directed thought. 5. Lying is hard work. Lying can place high cognitive demands on an individual - putting more pressure on a suspected liar can help with detection. Next time youre tempted to assume your partner would never lie to you but the nervous-looking person in the office probably does, stop and think again. Research on lying in nonverbal psychology has clearly shown that misunderstandings are rife. Lie detection is a subtle art requiring very sharp senses and these 5 proven factors show you where to start.
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