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Kids Baseball, A Great American Tradition
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Kids' baseball is a really great American tradition. Fathers can relate to their kids who play Little League because male adults remember the experience as something vital that taught them life-skills and socialization during their youth. Little League is as American as apple pie and now the rest of the world is finally wonderfully acclimated to enjoying everything American including baseball. Even an institution as wonderful as Little League has its critics. Some complain that it emphasizes competition too much and that the lesser skilled kids ought to get more playing time. Others cite that the risk of injury...
how to show good sportsmanship. And then in 1960 I was elated when Levittown, Pa. went on to win the highly coveted Little League World Series. And so, I came from a league Hammonton, NJ that had won the Little League Championship in '49, played against a fine Morrisville, Pa. team that won it all in '55, and cheered for the old Levittown, Pa. American League squad that won it all in '60. Those three unforgettable fond memories will always remain with me as long as I shall live, and in 1954-'60, the events could only happen in America.
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