The Color Barrier Due to the color of their skin and their past history, blacks were unfairly denied the privilege to play Major League Baseball; it has remained a period of shame for baseball.
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The Color Barrier Due to the color of their skin and their past history, blacks were unfairly denied the privilege to play Major League Baseball; it has remained a period of shame for baseball. Not only did the white players not accept Blacks as equals, on or off the field, the public did not either. Because of the determination and strong perseverance, the blacks were able to overcome what many thought was not achievable. The events that took place during the early 1900s changed the history of baseball forever. Americans started playing baseball on relaxed teams, using local rules,...
good as anyone else. He really helped lead the way for Negroes, and helped lead the way for future baseball stars. Buck O'Neil once said a very interesting quote. He stated, "Don't feel sorry for the black baseball player: Feel sorry for the ones who didn't get to see them play". I believe this is very true. It shows how strong the Black baseball players really are, and how they did not let the color barrier get in the way of Negro players doing something they loved to do. Play baseball, just as any other American loves to do.

good as anyone else. He really helped lead the way for Negroes, and helped lead the way for future baseball stars. Buck O'Neil once said a very interesting quote. He stated, "Don't feel sorry for the black baseball player: Feel sorry for the ones who didn't get to see them play". I believe this is very true. It shows how strong the Black baseball players really are, and how they did not let the color barrier get in the way of Negro players doing something they loved to do. Play baseball, just as any other American loves to do.
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