Aim: To investigate the action of the enzyme catalyse
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Aim: To investigate the action of the enzyme catalyse Hydrogen Peroxide Water + Oxygen 2 H2 02 2H2 0 + 02 Hydrogen peroxide is a poisonous waste product in chemical reactions. Catalyse converts it to water and oxygen rapidly. Factors affecting reaction P.H Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide Temperature Concentration of catalyze in potato Prediction I think that the greater the surface area of catalyst the faster the reaction will occur, this is because there is more chance of the molecules colliding with each other because there are more enzymes and...
get a bung that sealed so it was all right. Instead of trying to use a conical flask, we could have used a gas syringe to collect the oxygen in. This would be more accurate because there is less chance of losing any oxygen, because it is a direct connection and unlikely to leak or move out of position. If we had more time we could of done some further experiments like, Using different potatoes, changing the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, or changing the temperature the experiment was done at enzymes work best at 30 to 40c.
get a bung that sealed so it was all right. Instead of trying to use a conical flask, we could have used a gas syringe to collect the oxygen in. This would be more accurate because there is less chance of losing any oxygen, because it is a direct connection and unlikely to leak or move out of position. If we had more time we could of done some further experiments like, Using different potatoes, changing the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, or changing the temperature the experiment was done at enzymes work best at 30 to 40c.
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The Respiratory System Organs involved are lungs, capillaries The body requires oxygen to survive as it feeds muscles, tissues, and organs. The air we inhale breathe in into our bodied consists of: GAS AIR INHALED AIR EXHALED Oxygen 21% 16% Carbon Dioxide 0.04% 4% ...
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An investigation into how the amount of oxygen is produced by changing one variable effects the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in the presence of the enzyme. Hydrogen peroxide Water + Oxygen 2 H2O2 2H2O + O2 This shows us that when the H2O2 has reacted with the...
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Prediction I predict that the more catalase used will speed up the reaction rate between the catalase and hydrogen peroxide. On a graph, as the concentration of catalase is increased the rate of reaction will increase forming a series of positively correlated lines, increasing in gradient as the catalase...
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Let"s get straight to the heart of the matter--the heart"s job is to move blood. Day and night, the muscles of your heart contract and relax to pump blood throughout your body. When blood returns to the heart, it follows a complicated pathway. If you were in the bloodstream,...
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