An Investigation into Osmosis in Potato Chips
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Hypothesis: The higher level of concentration of the sugar solution, the greater reduction of the potato cylinder will be. Prediction: I think that the higher the concentration of the sugar solution, the bigger the length difference will be. This will be because the water molecules will flow out of the potato cylinder due to osmosis. I think that the shape of the graph with the end results will have a steady rising. I will not use concentrations of the sugar solution that are too high because this could make the potato cylinders extremely fragile. This is not what I...
I could do, could be to change the temperature of the experiment to see whether osmosis happens more at higher temperatures. If I wanted, I could measure the rate at which osmosis happens at 21oC. This could be done by doing multiple experiments at different sucrose concentrations and doing the experiment for precise timings i.e. plus or minus 0.5 seconds of 1 hour. With this, I would make sure the surface area is exactly the same and also I would measure the change of weight instead of length, as length is far too inaccurate for this type of experiment.

I could do, could be to change the temperature of the experiment to see whether osmosis happens more at higher temperatures. If I wanted, I could measure the rate at which osmosis happens at 21oC. This could be done by doing multiple experiments at different sucrose concentrations and doing the experiment for precise timings i.e. plus or minus 0.5 seconds of 1 hour. With this, I would make sure the surface area is exactly the same and also I would measure the change of weight instead of length, as length is far too inaccurate for this type of experiment.
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Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons to avoid the buildup of pathogens and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped. Crop rotation also seeks to balance the fertility demands of various...
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An investigation into how the amount of oxygen is produced by changing one variable effects the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in the presence of the enzyme. Hydrogen peroxide Water + Oxygen 2 H2O2 2H2O + O2 This shows us that when the H2O2 has reacted with the...
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Prediction I predict that the higher the concentration of salt, the lower the mass the potato cylinder will become. This is because there is a greater concentration of water molecules inside the potato cylinder, so the water will drain from the cylinder by osmosis, to where there was a...
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Prediction Osmosis is defined as is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. In a high concentration of water the amount of solute e.g. sugar is low. This could be called...
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