Biology Coursework: Osmosis - Potato chips in sugar solution
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Scientific Back round: Osmosis is defined as the net movement of water or any other solution's molecules from a region in which they are highly concentrated to a region in which they are less concentrated. This movement must take place across a partially permeable membrane such as a cell wall, which lets smaller molecules such as water through but does not allow bigger molecules to pass through. The molecules will continue to diffuse until the area in which the molecules are found reaches a state of equilibrium, meaning that the molecules are randomly distributed throughout an object,...
may have been caused by human error in either the cutting of the potato or the weighing of the potato. When the potato chips were removed from the test tubes and dried they may well have dried some potatoes more thoroughly than others and so some would have more excess water, which would add to the mass. If the experiment was repeated another way could be found to dry the potatoes that would ensure that all were dried in the same way for the same time. However the experiment was very successful and the results confirmed my prediction.
may have been caused by human error in either the cutting of the potato or the weighing of the potato. When the potato chips were removed from the test tubes and dried they may well have dried some potatoes more thoroughly than others and so some would have more excess water, which would add to the mass. If the experiment was repeated another way could be found to dry the potatoes that would ensure that all were dried in the same way for the same time. However the experiment was very successful and the results confirmed my prediction.
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