Catalase reaction speed
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Prediction I predict that the more catalase used will speed up the reaction rate between the catalase and hydrogen peroxide. On a graph, as the concentration of catalase is increased the rate of reaction will increase forming a series of positively correlated lines, increasing in gradient as the catalase concentration increases. Also, as the surface area increases as each sample increases in concentration its surface area will increase the reaction rate should increase. On a graph, the rate of reaction will be directly proportional to the surface are of each catalase sample, producing a positively correlated scatter graph with...
prediction. I could have continued testing different dependant variables, which would have proved or disproved my prediction correct. Further work to reach a better conclusion may be to research into more scientific theories and carry out experiments repeatedly until an accurate set of averages is achieved. If all the independent variables were experimented with as dependant variables then a nearly perfect conclusion could be drawn.
prediction. I could have continued testing different dependant variables, which would have proved or disproved my prediction correct. Further work to reach a better conclusion may be to research into more scientific theories and carry out experiments repeatedly until an accurate set of averages is achieved. If all the independent variables were experimented with as dependant variables then a nearly perfect conclusion could be drawn.
I think that my method for finding how the concentration of catalase affects the rate of the reaction between catalase and hydrogen peroxide was the best possible one under school laboratory conditions.
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