Investigation of Osmosis
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Method Ten 50ml beakers were labelled accordingly, e.g. 2 x 0m, 2 x 0.25m, 2 x 0.5, 2 x 0.75 m and 2 x 1m. Distilled water and sugar solution were then measured to vary sugar concentration, into beakers using a pipette. Using a size 4 core borer, sections were removed from a peeled, fresh potato. A ruler was used to measure lengths of 1cm and sliced with a scalpel. Ten equal sized chips were cut in total. The work surface was protected as a cutting board was used. The potato chips were then weighed separately and their weights...
to decipher the exact point of equilibrium and the point at which the chips become fully plasmolysed. Instead of using 50 ml beakers, it may have been a lot easier to use test tubes to conduct the experiment with as the amount of solution and concentrations would have been easier to measure. There were no anomalies within the results, although two results were not in a direct line as with the others and this may be due to human error. However, the graph would have been improved if the raw data was used instead of the average percentage change.

to decipher the exact point of equilibrium and the point at which the chips become fully plasmolysed. Instead of using 50 ml beakers, it may have been a lot easier to use test tubes to conduct the experiment with as the amount of solution and concentrations would have been easier to measure. There were no anomalies within the results, although two results were not in a direct line as with the others and this may be due to human error. However, the graph would have been improved if the raw data was used instead of the average percentage change.
Aim: I am going to investigate how different surface areas, and therefore enzyme concentration, of the same volume of potato affects rate of reaction, when placed in 10ml hydrogen peroxide. Prediction: As the surface area increases, so do the amount of enzymes, which are biological catalysts that...
Words: 1675
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Definition of Osmosis Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. Hypothesis I predict that the lower the concentration of the sugar solution in the test tube, the...
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Prediction I predict that the higher the concentration of salt, the lower the mass the potato cylinder will become. This is because there is a greater concentration of water molecules inside the potato cylinder, so the water will drain from the cylinder by osmosis, to where there was a...
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Now is the time when your bones are taking in the most calcium. Half of your adult bone mass is formed during your teen years. Get calcium predominately from low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. Keep exercising to build strong bones. If you skip breakfast, your brain is like a...
Words: 573
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Aim: To investigate the action of the enzyme catalyse Hydrogen Peroxide Water + Oxygen 2 H2 02 2H2 0 + 02 Hydrogen peroxide is a poisonous waste product in chemical reactions. Catalyse converts it to water and oxygen rapidly. Factors affecting reaction P.H Concentration...
Words: 1014
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