Experiment to consider a factor that affects the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid
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Aims and Objectives : For this experiment, I aim to consider how much the concentration of hydrochloric acid affects the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid, by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced in a certain duration of time. Apparatus: Distilled water Stop clock correct to 0.01 seconds Boiling tubes Scales correct to 0.01g 10 ml test- tubes 2 MOLS Hydrochloric acid Glass gas syringe correct to 0.2ml Delivery tube and bunge Clamp stand Measuring cylinder correct to 0.5 ml...
stopclock as soon as the bunge is replaced, and the time is stopped when the gas syringe has filled up with 50cm3 of gas. I would predict that the general trend would stay the same, that the rate of reaction will increase with the concentration, and that this is directly proportional, but the graph will be much steeper, and there will be a much greater change in rate for each 0.2 M/ dm3 interval in readings, as the gradient on the graph will be greatly increased. I predict that the graph will look like this :

stopclock as soon as the bunge is replaced, and the time is stopped when the gas syringe has filled up with 50cm3 of gas. I would predict that the general trend would stay the same, that the rate of reaction will increase with the concentration, and that this is directly proportional, but the graph will be much steeper, and there will be a much greater change in rate for each 0.2 M/ dm3 interval in readings, as the gradient on the graph will be greatly increased. I predict that the graph will look like this :
For this investigation I am reacting magnesium ribbon Mg with Hydrochloric acid HCl I am measuring the rate of reaction between the two, and to do this am measuring the hydrogen given off by the reaction. Magnesium is a shiny silver coloured metal, an element with an atomic...
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Acid Limestone SC1 HF Planning We are going to investigate the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction. Input Variables of this investigation I could study are: Amount of Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 Temperature of Acid Concentration of Acid molarity Surface Area...
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The following shows the collision theory used to explain the effect of temperature and concentration Prediction: In this investigation I expect to find as I increase the temperature the reaction will take place faster. This is because as the temperature increases, it gives more energy to the sodium thiosulphate and...
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Planning and observation Theory: in this part of the coursework I will explain the theory on rates of reactions trying to see which factors affect the speed of a reaction. If a reaction is to take place between two reactants collision needs to take place very frequently. Particles are...
Words: 2650
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Introduction: In this piece of coursework I will be attempting to discover what affects the digestion of starch. There are four main factors that affect the digestion of starch. 1. Temperature of the solution 2. PH of the solution 3. Surface area of the starch...
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