Carol Ann Duffy coursework
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Carol Ann Duffy writes poetry, which reveal disturbing aspects of human behaviour and the human nature. I will be writing about these three poems, 'Salome', 'Before you were mine', and 'Stealing'. I will be going into deeper meanings with these poems showing what is revealed and how it is revealed. Te three poems all have more than one theme. In Salome, the theme is revenge, and it also has a strong sexual element. The main idea in the text of before you were mine is a sexual element, but one between the mother and daughter which is very disturbing....
In my opinion the speaker speaks quite estuary language, for example, "flogged it", "bust of Shakespeare", "booze and fags", "beater or blighter", and "ma". These are all slang terms from the three poems, and show the speaker is speaking of quite a low-average register of language. By the speaker's socialect, we can tell that she could be from a working class or middle class background.
To conclude, I think the poems are well structured, have much deeper meanings than most people realise, and that they do go into the morally wrong aspects of human nature.
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