Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Websites
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Facebook/Twitter and Other Social Websites
Social websites have become aremarkable phenomenon. There are many people who use these websites for variety of reasons. The Internet has been widely available over the past few years and Iam of the opinion that social websites are one of the most visitied websites. Iam Facebook user and therefore Ithink Ihave already obtained abasic insight into what social websites offer, what pros and cons they have, what differencies are between them and so forth.
As I have already mentioned, social websites are used for many purposes. In my opinion,...
Furthermore, spending too much time on social websites poses a serious problem. If I spent too much time on Facebook, I wouldn't be able to communicate with friends of mine in "real life" simply because I would chat about everything on Facebook and there would be no reason to meet with my friends at all.
Furthermore, spending too much time on social websites poses a serious problem. If I spent too much time on Facebook, I wouldn't be able to communicate with friends of mine in "real life" simply because I would chat about everything on Facebook and there would be no reason to meet with my friends at all.
To sum up, being a member of a social website has it's advantages and disadvantages. Facebook, Twitter and other websites are great way to communicate with other people. However, one has to be fully aware that using these websites may be dangerous.
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