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In 'Hamlet', are Gertrude and Ophelia weak willed and morally suspect or are they, as feminist critics have argued, exploited, manipulated and used by the male characters in the Play?
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In William Shakespeare's time women had a very uncertain place in society, differing greatly from the standards of today, which were brought about partly by the Women's liberation and suffragette movement in the early 20th century. In Elizabethan times women were seen as subservient to men, insignificant and as many have argued second class citizens, with their rightful places being only to bring up children and housekeep in all cases except the rich and the aristocracy. In fact if a woman did not raise children and marry they were more than likely a prostitute or whore. This is very...
social standings for men and women of the age. Ophelia being under the control of her father, brother and the chauvinistic Hamlet and Gertrude, although she makes great efforts to appear strong, under the control of King Claudius.

In this way, Ophelia like Gertrude is very stereotypical of the age in the way she serves and is oppressed by the men in her life. This is apparent throughout her relationship with Hamlet, of which Hamlet is definitely in control. Also, she is obviously been under the control of her father and brother since her mother's death.

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